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Our written guarantee to all our delivery customers....
Dear Customer,
Expose Yourself Letterbox Distribution - Redlands, guarantees to deliver your product to;
- Every house booked in, within its mapped areas that by law, can receive junk mail
- That is safe to deliver to at the time of delivery
- That has access to the letterbox on the day delivery is carried out.
Taking into consideration the terms mentioned above, we guarantee...
"If any household within the mapped area booked in, does NOT receive your product on the day Expose Yourself deliverers the area, you, as the customer, will not be charged for the delivery of the ENTIRE MAP in which any delivery failure occurs."
We are the only distribution company in Australia that offers such a guarantee and we proudly stand by it!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office anytime.

We'll Get Your Name Out There ...... Guaranteed!
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